Highly Integrated Curriculum
Lessons are interwoven from an early age. We emphasize on direct contact with concrete learning materials. Children learn by doing, investigation, research, and memorable self- discovery.
Oral Exam
For overall development of students, SWS has started applying oral exam. It helps them develop speaking skill with confidence and prepare on the topics.
Regular Assessment System
Students’ daily activities are observed and are awarded with grades in every term. Regularity, punctuality, discipline homework submission, attitude and smartness are evaluated from the core.
Presentation Class
Students prepare presentation based on their subject matter or certain topic and present it in front of parents, teachers and their friends. The winner group is given privileged to perform in the special assembly by the principal and respective level coordinator
With smaller class sizes than traditional schoolk focused students have ample time to complete work assigned in class. Various skills and class projects may be sent home. Homework schedule is followed while assigning homeworks.
Super Learning Class
This course will teach students how to hack their learning, reading, and memory skills, empowering them to learn anything and everything faster and more effectively.
Extra Classes
Extra classes are prepared for those who need and wish to improve being a part of it.
SWS administers and measures students’ progress in regular basis. If a student misses exams due to illness, a doctor’s note will be required. Moreover, student’s performances are regularly examined throughout the year and are awarded with marks and grades in areas such as handwriting, homework submission, attitude towards other, conduct project work, book and copy condition, regularity etc. School conducts theory and practical exams. Practical exams includes oral exam, listening/speaking, presentation and book review which carries 25 percent marks in total.
Special Class
Special class is for them who are below average academically to maintain minimum requirement.
For the needy one, SWS has seperate hostel for boys and girls.
Regular Test
Grades VIII, IX and X take regular tests on Saturday and Holidays or as per requirements.
Special Training Class
Sws offers special training passes on Vocal Instrumental and Dance after school as per student’s choices and requirements.
Day- Boarders Facility
SWS also offers Day -Boarders Class to the busy parents providing them supplementary classes in the morning and in the evening along with lunch and mid day meal.
Honors and Remedial Classes
Gifted and talented students in different areas are offered advance course whilst the weaker ones are offered with remedial classes.