Our Vision
- Provide a safe environment, free from bullying.
- Create an atmosphere where diversity is valued and respected.
- Provide an engaging curriculum that continually challenges each student to reach beyond typical expectations.
- Achieve all these goals by building on a strong foundation of moral principles
School Hours
The school day begins promptly at 9:15 am. The school day ends at 3:45 pm. The school remains closed 30 minutes earlier in winter.
Other Classes
Morning class runs from 6:30 am to 8:50 am. Similarly, evening class commences from 4:00 pm and ends at 5:20 pm. Day Boarders’ time will be from 6:30 am to 5:15 pm.
Policy- No Discrimination at all
SWS admits students of any race, color and national ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally made available to students at the school. The administration, however, reserves the right to dismiss or refuse admission to anyone unwilling to comply with the school’s rules and regulations or meet academic or behavioural standards.
Enrollment Policy
All forms must be completed and all fees paid students are accepted. Parents/ Guardians/ Students interview with the principal will be scheduled after paperwork is completed and submitted. The principal and board members will determine acceptance and placement.
Dress Code
Uniforms are required in all the grades. Clothing should be neat and clean. Further, students who are in non-compliance with the dress code will be asked to change, or if necessary, to call home for a change of clothing to be brought to school.
Dismissal Procedure
Once students arrive at school, they are not alowed to leave premises until school hour ends except as authorized by the school administration. Students are checked out of school by means of a written note, email or telephone authorization supplied by either parent-guardian for appointments. This communication is to be routed through the school office and is subject to verification and approval.
Once we are shifted to our new avenue, we have been doing assembly in differnet times as per the schedule. The hygiene inspection has been done at assembly and even in classroom which will go on as usual and record of which will he kept every day for evaluation.
Training is a must to meet the goal of our institution. It helps to get updated knowledge and sharing which is important practice in successful and popular schools. We strongly recommend and suggest providing rigorous trainings to staff members. Trainings and workshops must be organized time to time to boost up the teachers academically and professionally. At SWS, we strive to provide your child with a safe and caring place to learn, grow and have a fun. Our goal is to help your child develop a positive attitude towards learning through Montessori Method and Early Childhood Education.
International Perspectives
As we have been awarded International School Award, teaching students to look at issues from a global viewpoint injecting international perspectives into the national curriculum where applicable. Shortly, comparative approach to global theme in the classroom and activities and awareness of Global events for progress and prosperity of overall school is and will be the focal point.
Attendance and Tardiness
Regular school attendance is essential for continuity of learning. Consequently, the only excused absences are those involving students’ illness all of sudden and family emergencies. Other absences are considered unexcused of anticipated absences. Mind You! Petition of sick leave or any form of leave should be made in student’s diary. A doctor’s note is a MUST.
Interactive Learning
The school pursues its mission to develop Independent learners to prepare them for success moving away from teacher-centered teaching to student- centered progressive learning. The school use Total Physical Response (TRP) Method as a pedagogy. The audio-visual learning, presentation, super learning and 3Di school program have been prioritized in daily teaching.
International Perspectives
As we have been awarded International School Award, teaching students to look at issues from a global viewpoint injecting international perspectives into the national curriculum where applicable. Shortly, comparative approach to global theme in the classroom and activities and awareness of Global events for progress and prosperity of overall school is and will be the focal point.
Classroom Visitation
In general, visitations to classrooms are discouraged. Students have to contact teacher to make arrangements if it is necessary to visit. Anybody wishing to do so must seek permission from the principal Any visitor to the school must follow the system prepared by the school.
To admit honestly, we have a model classroom to recommend for.
- Each classroom has maximum 30/35 students,
- All classrooms have multimedia -projector, CCTV and PA system.
- Each classroom allows a space to serve students for overall activities
Arrival/Dismissal Procedure
Children are to arrive to their classrooms by 9:00 am. Students will be dismissed promptly after 3:00pm. We issue a Receiving Card which must be produced by parents or guardians during the release
Teaching Faculty
It is very clear and obvious that the existing team of teaching and non teaching staff, to some extent, will not help us meet the desired goals, We need to filter the present team and start the new recruitment next year very consciously.