
At Southwestern School (SWS), we strive to provide a rich, stimulating and caring environment in which every individual feels happy, safe, secure and confident. We encourage students to reach their full potential by fostering self esteem and a sense of achievement.

Teaching Staff
Professional staff surely encourages high levels of performance from all students in a caring and supportive environment. All our staff is dedicated to the students and provides an engaging, enriching and overall sociable citizen.

Club Activities
Students have to have their compulsory participation in club activities such as Dancing, Singing, Basketball, Cricket, Public Speaking, Anchoring, Karate, Taekwondo, Wushu and others.

House Competition
Competition School has four houses: Blue, Green, Red and Yellow. Students compete in various ECA and CCA according to these Houses respectively.

Co-curricular Activities (CCA)/ Extra Curricular Activities (ECA)
SWS regularly hosts a whole school CCA/ECA competition for all Primary students like Poem Writing and Recitation, Extempore, Spelling Bee, Handwriting, Elocution, Debate, Table Tennis, Basketball, Cricket, Volleyball and more. Students are awarded in assembly.

3Di School Program
Program Digital media is the main focus of the 3Di program, which strives to teach students about art utilizing creative technology as the foundation for learning in the vision of developing new techniques of learning, soft skills and also to introduce the generations to future technologies.

For the needy one, SWS has seperate hostel for boys and girls

Oral Exam
For overall development of students, SWS has started applying oral exam. It helps them develop speaking skill with confidence.

Project Work and Field Trips
Trips To fulfill curriculum requirements, students participate in all field trips and projects work.

Listening/ Speaking
To be familiar with all assents and to have academic spoken language, we do listening and speaking classes in all level.

Book Review
Students have to do book review in any novel, story biography etc as per teachers’ instruction.

Presentation Class
Students prepare presentation based on their subject matter or certain topic and present it in front of parents, teachers and their friends. The winner group is given privileged to perform in the special assembly by the principal and respective level coordinator.

No Book Day
To be free from head-eating ideas in day to day learning, we have introduced NO Book Day. Students are involved in activities based learning without carrying regular books.

Super Learning class
This course will teach students how to hack their learning, reading, and memory skills, empowering them to learn anything and everything faster and more effectively.

Regular Assessment System
Students’ daily activities are observed and are awarded with grades in every term. Regularity, punctuality, homework submission, attitude and smartness are evaluated from the core.